Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Swimming pools are a fantastic source of fun and enjoyment, however, we shouldn't overlook the fact that every year many people are injured and even die in and around swimming pools. Pool safety is of paramount importance! Safety should be a priority throughout the entire lifetime of the swimming pool, starting from the very beginning – when the pool designed.
10 Swimming Pool Safety Tips:
1) Diving boards and slides are lots of fun, but they are dangerous, especially for residential pools which tend to be shallower, smaller (diving board closer to the edges of the pool), lack a certified life guard, and lack rescue equipment.  Diving boards also drive up your insurance costs. Carefully consider the risk and cost involved.
2) Children should always be supervised by adults every time they're near a pool area. Therefore, when designing your pool, avoid obstructions that might prevent adults from seeing your entire pool. Carefully consider the placement planters and pillars in relation to seating areas where adults are likely to hang out.
3) If your swimming pool design includes steps, make sure small tiles are installed on them to help swimmers see the steps and judge their depth.
4) Design your pool to include a screen enclosure to prevent children from wandering into it.
5) While a screen enclosure (with locked doors) may be adequate for keeping children in the neighborhood from  accidentally wandering into your pool, if you have young children or guests with small children, a security fence with child-proof latches is highly recommended.
6) For added safety, consider a gate alarm on the fence or a wave alarm on the pool which will sound when someone enters the water.
7) When designing your pool, avoid placing large stones, planters and other elements right next to pathways and decks where people will be walking. They could could bump or fall into them causing an injury. Use bushes and plants as a safety buffer.
8) If you design the outdoor living space around your pool to include any changes in elevation such as a raised kitchen area or lower seating area, include visual cues so guests don’t trip or fall off steps.
9) Design the area around your pool with good lighting for when you swim or entertain in the evening.
10) Work with a seasoned pool designer with lots of experience creating safe pools.  While reading this list of tips, at any point did you find yourself thinking, "Ah, good point. I hadn't thought of that?"  Every pool is different and there's no way to list every possible safety issue to watch out for, so make sure your Tampa pool builder has an excellent track record for safety.
We at Grand Vista Pools have been designing safe pools for decades. If you’re considering building or renovating a pool,, contact us today!

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