How to Filter Your Swimming Pool Correctly

A pool’s filtration system is extremely important. Proper pool maintenance with the filter system will keep your pool looking beautiful for many years. On the other hand, not properly maintaining your pool creates a mess and a costly clean up. It is much less expensive to maintain your pool by filtering than it is to correct a problem using chemicals. So, knowing proper pool maintenance will save you both time and money!

Filtering Saves Money!

Filtering saves chlorine and water. The material that falls into your pool has an effect on the chemical balance and contents of your pool as that material breaks down and decomposes. You will need less chlorine if the filter traps most of the organic and inorganic materials in your pool. Reducing the chlorine also reduces the need to add in fresh water. Less chlorine and less water means less money.

How Long to Filter?

The pool’s filtration system must run for enough time to properly clean the pool. Variables such as the number of swimmers, foliage, screen enclosures and rainy seasons must be taken into consideration when determining the length of time needed to run the filter. A good estimate is to operate the filter system 2 hours beyond the rainy time of day.

Proper Water Balance is Key

In addition to running the filtration system, it is also important for a pool to have the proper water balance. Metal and minerals from fertilizers will seep into your pool from your yard. Rain water will also alter the water balance. Even with filtering, these metals and minerals can stain your pool. You will want to test your water regularly. Test kits can be purchased at a local pool store.

The combination of a properly running the filtration system and proper water balance, will keep your pool a healthy and refreshing source of recreation for your family and friends.

If you are considering the addition of a pool to your backyard, contact us at Grand Vista Pools today!

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